While an equipment is unique, you might want to do many versions of that same type of equipment, like the same type of superconducting magnet, or a power converter of a specific manufacturer. In case you'd like to create many of these equipment, it might be difficult to do it one by one manually and maintain data integrity. For this, we have the Equipment Generator, which allows you to create templates (Equipment Configurations) that allow you to create hundreds, if not thousands of that equipment in just a couple of clicks. After it, you can also rename them to a custom ID, rename them, or print them. For Administrators we also offer tools to manage these configurations as well as manufacturing workflows.

How to Use It
To have your own Equipment Configuration, get in touch with your Local Administrator (link the Local Administrator page here), as he will be responsible for the Equipment Configurations of the Group you belong to. In case you don't have one please contact eam.support@cern.ch
Once your Equipment Configuration is created with the right data you need, you can use the Equipment Generator to generate a batch of equipment.
Click on Generate Equipment and you'll be presented with a page where you can search for the Configuration you need.

After selecting it, you can select how many equipment you want to create, as well as their commissioning date, status and Service Unit that will be shared between all of them.

You're also allowed to rename your equipment in case you'd like to change exceptionally their usual naming.

After it was correctly generated, you're free to export that list to Excel, or use the Print button to go straight to EAM Barcoding with the list of equipment already pre-selected.