In this Training Course Module, the Work Management principles and workflows are demonstrated and practiced. The course explains the Work Order workflow, introduces different options to enhance Work Orders and demonstrates methods for creating and managing large numbers of Work Orders. The course includes topics such as:
- Work management concepts;
- Work order lifecycle;
- Collecting information about the performed work in the form of documents, worked hours, consumed parts, meter readings;
- Preparing work to be performed and inspections to be carried out by defining standard tasks, checklists, material lists, work order templates, routes, ordering services;
- Managing work safety;
- Structuring WOs - parent child, MEC, routes, projects;
- Scheduling work - attaching to impact, graphical scheduling;
- Automating WO creation - PM schedules, maintenance patterns, alerts.
After following this course, the user will be able to:
- Understand work management concepts that are used and applied in the CERN context;
- Learn to apply basic work management processes using CERN's asset and maintenance management tools;