Tools & Functionalities

​Tools & Functionalities


The CMMS Team at CERN provides the Organization with Asset and Maintenance Management capabilities, including both a set of IT tools and functionalities as well as support, methodology and training in order to allow groups and projects to efficiently use these tools and functionalities.

Find out how EAM Tools, based on One system – Multiple User Interfaces work or access the tools and functionalities used at CERN directly below.


Below you can see the various tools offered by the AMM Service. Click on each one of them to learn more about our tools.

Asset and Maintenance Management
Web interface with simplified functionalities of Infor EAM
Application for the traceability of potentially radioactive equipment
Interface for Stock Management
Recording of an Operational Logbook
Business Intelligence & Reporting Service with Pentaho
Tool for Massive Imports or Updates of Data in Infor EAM
Tracks & Coordinates activities with aggregation of Information
Follow-up Technical Equipment in terms of Manufacting Workflow


Below you can see the various functionalities one can encounter inside the tools offered by the AMM Service. Click on each one of them to learn more about our functionalities.
Interface to Print Labels based on EAM Data
Equipment Dependency and Hierarchic Visualization
Generates, Prints & Manages multiple Equipment