How to use parametrized links with EAM Light


This feature allows to load the entity screens Work Orders, Assets, Positions, Systems and Parts with pre-filled fields by using parameters in the URL. 

The format of the URL is as follows:<pageName>?<parameter1>=<value1>&<parameter2>=<value2>...&<parameterN>=<valueN>


  • is the root URL to access the application
  • <pageName> specifies the screen in the application. Possible values are: 
    • workorder
    • asset
    • position
    • system
    • part
  • <parameterN> is the code of the parameter to be posted
  • <valueN> is the value for the parameter.

Please note that the character "?" in the URL starts the part of the URL containing the parameters part, that each parameter/value pair is linked by the equal sign and that the character "&" separates the parameter/value pairs.

An example of a parametrized URL:

If the value contains spaces or one of the characters "?","=" or "&", they need to be encoded. Space is encoded as "%20" 
The available parameters are listed below by entity.

Possible Parameters

Work Orders


Assets Positions Systems




Additional parameters applicable for all screens

An example of a URL with a custom field is: